Mono County Housing Element

In response to California’s critical housing needs, the legislature enacted housing element law with the goal of adequate and safe housing for every Californian. The attainment of housing for all requires the cooperation of local and State governments.

Housing element law requires local governments to adequately plan to meet their existing and projected housing needs including their share of the regional housing need. Housing element law is the State’s primary market-based strategy to increase housing supply. The law recognizes the most critical decisions regarding housing development occur at the local level within the context of the general plan. In order for the private sector to adequately address housing needs and demand, local governments must adopt land-use plans and regulatory schemes that provide opportunities for, and do not unduly constrain, housing development for all income groups.

Unlike the other mandatory elements of the general plan, the housing element is subject to detailed statutory requirements regarding its content and must be updated every five years. The housing element is also subject to mandatory review by a State agency. This reflects the statutory recognition that the availability of housing is a matter of statewide importance and that cooperation between all levels of government and the private sector is critical to attainment of the State’s housing goals.


Download the complete Mono County Housing Element below.