Student Attendance Review Board - SARB
School Attendance Review Boards (SARBs), are composed of representatives from various youth serving agencies. The Board helps truant or recalcitrant students and their parents/guardians solve school attendance and behavior problems through the use of available school and community resources. County SARBs are convened by the county superintendent at the beginning of each school year.
If your child is referred to SARB to address truancy problems or other behavioral problems, SARB will conduct a hearing with you and your child to address the issues which prompted the referral. Once you and your child are referred to SARB a series of graduated sanctions will be followed.
One of said graduated sanctions is possible placement on informal probation with the Probation Department. The child and their parents/guardians are to follow a series of terms and conditions in order to address the issue at hand. Failure to comply with any of the graduated sanctions may result in a criminal complaint against the child and their parents/guardians.
For more information please visit the following list of websites.