Mono Basin Community Plan

The Mono Basin Community Plan: Visioning to Action is a community-based planning effort intended to guide future land use, development, and quality-of-life decisions. The purpose of the plan is to inform decision makers at the community and local government levels, as well as other agencies, businesses and entities operating in the Mono Basin, about the needs and aspirations of the community. The expectation is that the community and other entities in the Mono Basin will cooperatively engage in a good-faith effort to accomplish the plan.

The plan is sponsored by the Mono Basin Regional Planning Advisory Committee (RPAC) with the goal of involving as much of the community as possible in a focused, open discussion to develop an implementation and action plan with specific timelines and projects. The community plan also serves to update the Mono Basin Area Plan in the Mono County General Plan Land Use Element.

The Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors acknowledge and support the Plan with final adoption pending CEQA review, and have directed staff to initiate the CEQA process and, in the interim evaluate future applicable discretionary planning projects for consistency.